Darkness and a Crowd

Darkness and a Crowd is a 2.5D RPG platformer game set in a dark environment that tackles themes of depression in a new ominous light.

With help from a tiny friend, embark on an epic journey to save the planet you once called home.


Check it out here if the button's not working!


Recent Work

Posted: December 1st 2020

Currently Ive been working on a fun little VR Project mostly to play around with how the physics and controls work when programming for VR. Check it out!

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3D Model

It has layers

Posted: December 1st 2020

Check out this epic 3d model I worked on.

You might even see it in a future project!

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Who am I?

Sylvs Recent Work

If it wasn't obvious yet, I'm a computer programmer though I also have other talents. This entire website is a bootstrap project. Here, I want the opportunity to show off my skills in 3d modeling, animating, game development, music and everything else techy that I play around with.

What's cool about having your own website is you can do just about anything on it. If I wanted to upload a game I can just upload a game. If I wanted to make a video I could just make a video. The uploading process is as simple as programming a page to display whatever I want it to.

Crashed Hard Drive

My hard drive crashed! But that's actually pretty okay. It's given me time to work on some other stuff that I'm actually a little more interested in. Sadly I had a ton of unfinished projects I was working on from my last hard drive- It was 6TB worth of storage. But now I get to focus on new projects and I don't have the excuse of 'what about all my unfinished projects' because, they don't exist anymore.

I've been working on music a lot lately. Now with all of my unfinished projects gone, I don't have the guilt of needing to finish them. I can just work on new music.


Currently Working

Posted: July 6th 2023

Darkness and a Crowd is always undergoing some pretty cool changes, but today I really wanted to focus on the new abilities I'm adding!

Currently I'm ready to show off the newest area I'm working on with the new tear ability found in the earth skill tree.


Ludum Dare 47

Posted: January 13th 2023

Safehome was a game I worked on for Ludum Dare 47. The theme was called 'stuck in a loop'. My character goes to work every day until he recieves an email from a depressed co-worker which causes him to show up one day, change his mind, and go home. Never to return again.


Throwback time!

Posted: January 10th 2023

Wanna see what got me into making games? This project called Destruction Simulator, that I created back when I was 13, blew up and prompted several different walkthroughs which inspired me to keep up with my love of game making.



Game Developer, Barista, 3D Modeler, Musician, and Web Developer. I like to dabble in several different hobbies and this is a unique little hub for me to be able to share that stuff with the world.